A fair complexion has always been associated with success and popularity. Men and women alike desire fairness; it is believed to be the key to a successful life. As most of the Indians are very much bothered about their colour complexion the fairness creams enjoy very good market growth rate when compared with other related product.
There are number of fairness creams and other
skin whitening products in the market such as peel-offs, serums, lotions etc. All the cosmetic companies have at least one fairness cream under their brand name. For that flawless look Ponds of HLL and Oil of Olay of P & G, quite openly challenge the seven-day test with a money-back guarantee.
Aloe Vera extract, turmeric, vitamin-E, lemon extract are some of the ingredients which form major formulations. Another advantage of such fairness creams is that they tend to clear dark spots, brighten the discolored, pigmented skin and are suitable for all skin types.
Aloe Vera fairness cream is a natural complexion
lightening cream that gives a radiant and glowing skin. It keeps our skin fresh and healthy. Aloe Vera fairness cream revitalizes the skin, reverses the degenerating skin changes such as wrinkles, appearance of lines and age spots.
Aloe Vera fairness cream is non- oily cream and improves our skin conditions. The skin becomes clear, smooth, more elastic, wrinkle free and anti-ageing giving a younger look. The ingredients in aloe Vera fairness cream are completely natural, herbal and have no chemicals. Aloe Vera fairness cream of Himalaya and Kaya kalp brand are very trendy in the market.
Pond's Dream fairness cream with its unique skin enhancing system not only works with your skin to make you visibly fairer in just six weeks, it also keeps you looking radiant and free of the oily shine that comes in the way of your fair, fresh, beautiful looks. It protects and improves your skin to make you fairer. It removes the dull, unattractive shine from your face.
All the fairness creams have similar basic ingredients but the several additions make them more suitable to some particular skin type and may irritate other skin type.